Tiene 22 años, excelente estado físico y causa sensación entre las jovencitas de Facebook, sin embargo este chico de Charlottesville, estado de Virginia, Estados Unidos, tiene una sorprendente historia detrás de su actual aspecto físico.

Austin Shifflett, llegó a pesar 148 kilos con apenas 17 años, teniendo que aguantar las burlas y el bullying de sus compañeros que lo llamaban “el gordo”, que lo llevaron a empeorar su estabilidad emocional y a consumir aún más comida chatarra junto con bebidas gaseosas, según constató E!

Lee también: El impactante cambio de joven que superó obesidad y bulimia: Bajó 40 kilos

Sin embargo, su vida tuvo un cambio radical, ya que tras subirse a una balanza y constatar que pesaba 148 kilos, sumado a un ataque al corazón, decidió modificar sus hábitos alimenticios.

Comenzó una dieta saludable y a asistir frecuentemente al gimnasio, pero por las noches cuando nadie lo veía, y así fue como en 10 meses logró bajar 70 kilos.

Pero Austin sabe que este es un problema muy común entre los jóvenes, por lo que decidió estudiar medicina deportiva para así ayudar a más personas que hayan pasado por el mismo sufrimiento que él.

A continuación, pueden ver imágenes y un video que él mismo compartió en su cuenta de Instagram para todos sus seguidores.


Un vídeo publicado por Austin Shifflett (@austinashifflett) el

I feel blessed

Una foto publicada por Austin Shifflett (@austinashifflett) el

Love this company and not just the franchise even though that's amazing too. I love this specific gym In particular the one located in Ruckersville Va. I remember the first time I heard about them putting one here, a lot of us had never heard of a gym that allows 24/7 access and I know I was wondering how in the heck it would even work! Me and my grandmother joined when I was in 9th grade and I worked out at 6am every morning with her before school I didn't diet back then and I wasn't really working out properly either but I still felt good going. It wasn't until years later that I started taking the gym seriously but I still went periodically through my overweight phase. Being from a small town this place was much more than a gym it was a family you see the same people every day you build relationships you give one another tips to progress. That's what it's all about. It gave me the luxury of being able to go at crazy hours throughout the night to workout so I wasn't self conscious working out in front of people at normal hours. Had this place never opened my journey may have never gotten started. Thank you so much Anytime Fitness I'm forever grateful.

Una foto publicada por Austin Shifflett (@austinashifflett) el

On my Johnny depp ishhhhh

Una foto publicada por Austin Shifflett (@austinashifflett) el

Success is a crazy thing to achieve. I don't think you can ever truly prepare yourself for what comes after it. I had no warning, no one told me how difficult things would be once I achieved my goal no one prepared me for my life and all its changes. It's stressful it's a lot of long nights and no sleep it's a lot of sacrifice in doing things you don't even want to do. There's a lot of people who want to share it with you and act like they were there the entire time supporting when you know they weren't. You're looking at a very exhausted and humbled guy in this picture. You're looking at a kid that overcame so many trials and tribulations. The expectations, the stories, the rumors and the doubters are what motivate me to push forward. Some think this journey is nearing its end………but it's just beginning

Una foto publicada por Austin Shifflett (@austinashifflett) el